Welcome on dedicated page for VWP'2021. Here you can find all infos about current version of this project and how to install it (user's manual). This is English version of the website about Vietnam War Project' 2021 for Prepar3Dv5. The release for P3Dv5 of this addon is planning in May 2021 as beta stage firstly (more info on SOH Forum HERE).
Flight simulators are passion, interest and hobby. If you are reading this, you probably belong to this group of “geeks” ;) who love aviation, especially military, and you pursue your passion through simulation also. Welcome to the club!
The Vietnam War conflict is unfortunately still ignored in flight simulations, although it was one of the longest and one of the most interesting military events in the history of aviation, especially military. As far as I remember, this conflict was featured in an expansion pack for Strike Fighters a long time ago, and as mods for IL-2 Sturmovik 1946. A title called Whirlwind over Vietnam was a good idea, but here the performance and quality was much worse. However, a very interesting approach for Nam war period was presented by Xavier Carré and Jacques Godfrin in his free addon for FS9/FSX called Vietnam War Project. It was in 2010 and I personally enjoyed this as long as I have been using FSX for flying. You could feel the atmosphere of that period with it, the more that the project was huge and developed in this time. However it never was updated for P3D, especially the newer ones – most popular, 64 bits like P3Dv4 and v5. Original version of VWP is not completely compatible due of many things, the most important is the geographic grid, mesh and some texture display changes.
Some time ago I decided to start this conversion to P3Dv5 to fill this gap. I started to do it for my own only (just few airports) but after big interest of many people (and many kind words also, thank you!) my project began to grow (although it must be added that it was an ambitious task due to the size of the entire project) and in the final stage I'd like to publish it at publicly available sources, as free addon for sure too, as it was with original project too (after receiving the necessary approvals, of course). Finally you receive much more than it was in 2010, so it’s not only update but big upgrade in the same time. It should also be added that Xavier and Jacques did a great job too and without it, the start of the new version was much more difficult or even impossible to such an extent (more than 100 + airfields and places).
The new version of Vietnam War Project will be divided into parts (but big parts!). The first you have already - the whole Vietnam 1965-74 (so more than 100 airfields and places). The second part will be Cambodia and Laos (if everything goes ok, later in 2021) but what is already there are dozens or even hundreds of flying hours to visit and see it all! The current version applies only to the P3Dv5 version (more in the next part of the manual). There is no backward compatibility here. This is due to the fact that in P3Dv5 we have many corrections to the geographic grid and there are many changes even in relation to P3Dv4.5. It’s true that P3Dv4.5 still has a lot of add-ons supporting this version and a fan base, however P3Dv5 has better performance and lots of new nice features (including enhanced atmosphere option). I hope also that TacPack (VRS add-on) and the rest “military” add-ons will appear soon for P3Dv5 too, so in some time it will be a fully “military platform”, this is how P3Dv4.5 is Today.
Current version of VWP'2021: 0.95 closed beta
If you want to follow the progress of work, you can check this map with finished airports and places in Vietnam War Project' 2021. It's very good tool also for planning the flight path and tasks in your simulator! The (Google) map will be open in the new window.
Most of those pictures come with the Enhanced Atmosphere = on in P3Dv5.
Addons for ground: ORBX Global Base Pack for P3Dv5, ORBX Global Buildings HD and Global TerraFlora v2, ORBX FTX Global Vector for P3Dv5, PILOT’S: FS Global Ultimate – NG 2020 (MESH), SceneryTech - Landclass for Asia and REX 4 Texture Direct Enhanced Edition. More info you will find in the user's manual.
The screenshots also show AI traffic included in the package, as well as free or paid flyable models.
I don't want to say where what screenshot was taken, discover this place on your own!
Not enough? :) See the full gallery of all pictures.
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